<< Clique para exibir o conteúdo >> Installation and Uninstallation |
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To install the Logicpos software you must:
1. Obtain an installation file, with an icon similar to the following.
2. Select the version of the application that you want.
3. Click Next to confirm that you want to install this software
4. In order to proceed with the installation, you must accept the license terms by clicking Accept.
5. Select a folder in the start Menu where you wish to create the program shortcuts. You can also enter the name to create a new folder. Then click Next;
6. Select the components to install and click Next. You can choose to install SAFT application, database or shipping service (only Portugal)
7. Select the desired mode of operation (Catering or Retail) and if you want the database to be filled with Demo data;
8. Select the database type, fill in the settings click Next.
The user needs the computer to have installed Microsoft SQL Server or MySQL in order to install the database according to their preferences.
Server: can be local or networked depending on whether it is installed on the same machine as Logicpos or not. If it is local does not need name of the instance of SQLServer, in case of being in network it should indicate the name of the instance of SQLServer.
Login: You must indicate a user of the database with read and write access, by default there is sa.
Password: User password previously indicated in the Login field.
Database: name of the database to be created, the default value being logicposdb.
Note: Even in an installation where you do not select the database, you must fill in this form. Since it may be necessary to run some database structure update script.
9. Select the destination for software installation, by default create a folder named LPT, and click Install.
10. The installation wants the user to install Gtk # for .Net, because without this component the application will not work correctly. To do so after viewing the following illustration, you must click Next.
11. Select the destination for software installation and click Next.
12. Click Install to proceed with the installation.
13. Proper installation of Gtk, after installation, click Next.
14. To finish the Gtk installation, click Finish.
15. Continue with the installation of the application after installing Gtk, when you finish the installation you should click Next.
16. To finish the installation, click Finish. You should reboot the machine so that the application can boot without problems.
![]() | Uninstallation |
To uninstall the application simply go to the Control Panel / Programs / Programs and Features / Uninstall a program, select the q.track click on Uninstall / Change and follow all the steps that are recommended.
1. Select Next in the start window.
2. Verify that the path to the application folder is correct and click Uninstall.
3. After the uninstallation is complete, click Next;
4. To finish uninstalling, click Finish to close the uninstaller.