Minimum System Requirements

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Minimum System Requirements

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The following table lists the required software as well as the minimum hardware and software requirements for running LogicPOS. To determine whether your computer meets the system requirements, on the Start menu, right-click "My Computer," and then click Properties. Here you can see the speed and type of the CPU, as well as the amount of memory installed (RAM).

Required Software


Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5


Microsoft SQL Server Express 2008 R2 Express Edition (If you choose SQL Server to store the database)


Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express (If you choose SQL Server to store the database)



Minimum: 1 GB


Recommended: 4 GB


Hard disk space

5GB of free space



Compatible with Pentium III or higher


Minimum: 500 MHz


Recommended: 1 GHz or more


Operational system

Windows Server 2003 SP1

Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP1

Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition SP1

Windows XP Professional SP2

Windows XP Home Edition SP2

Windows Vista Home Basic

Windows Vista Home Premium

Windows Vista Business

Windows Vista Enterprise

Windows Vista Ultimate

Windows Seven

Windows 8

Windows 10