Document Viewer

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Document Viewer

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After the report filter, the corresponding end result is displayed to the user in LogicPos Document Viewer.



O Document Viewer allows:

Document Viewer: Zoom Out à Zooms out of the document window.

Document Viewer: Zoom In à Zooms in of the document window.

Document Viewer: Pagination à If the document presented has more than one page, you can navigate between them with the arrows above. In the center is the number of pages of the document. The double left arrow shows the first page, and the double right arrow shows the last page of the document. Left and right arrows allow page-by-page navigation.

Document Viewer: Print à Print document.

Document Viewer: Export àExport the document to Xlsx format and save to a location of your choice.

Document Viewer: Save à Save the document in Pdf format.

Document Viewer: Close à Close Document Viewer.